Occupation and Purpose Coaching

People tell us three different types of stories; the stories that society has told them, the stories they tell themselves, and the stories that emerge when uncovering what is true and at the core of each individual.

Each of these stories have a purpose and are important, and none of them can exist in isolation.

These stories are informed by where a person has come from, where they’ve been, how they see themselves, what they hope for, and most importantly, what they expect for/from themselves and the world.

To rewrite the stories we tell ourselves, we have to challenge the expectations that we have and come to accept emotional states that are often uncomfortable and can cause momentary paralysis - fear of failure, insecurity, and potential for loneliness. This is our most authentic and vulnerable self. The flow on effect is a sense of personal freedom and understanding of how we want to be in the world and navigating the changes that are necessary.

Is it therapy? Is it counselling? Is it coaching? Is it directive? Is it helping people to draw out their own wisdom? It’s all of them, used at different times as we support people to redesign their life, trial new experiences and ways of being, and forge a path towards their future. Aside from our knowledge and experience as occupational therapists, our most fundamental role is to understand the components and expression of the person in front of us. From that understanding comes the co-creation of a life with purpose and lived with potential in mind.